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The Universal Gaming System uses a system of six ability scores to represent your raw physical attributes. We call these Ability Scores. You use your ability scores to determine a secondary number called an Ability Modifier, which determines bonuses or penalties to certain skills and talents. An ability score of seven means you are an average hero (3 being an average human). Typical characters start the game with a seven in every ability score for free. This may be modified by your GM in some campaigns. Improvements in ability scores can be purchased with character points. In certain campaigns you may also be able to gain extra character points by taking a below average ability score. You should ask your GM if this option is available for you.
Ability score points are worth 5 character points each. No character can have an ability score lower than 2, unless you are playing a non-humanoid creature and the GM has given you their express blessing. Be sure you know what you are doing though, because you may be crippled in many circumstances!
Strength is a measurement of your raw physical power: your ability to move weight, exert pressure, hit things hard, open things, etc. You add your strength modifier to damage for melee attacks, and the game master may determine what types of weapons you are eligible to wield based upon this number. Fighter types, laborers, and artisans should invest in this attribute.
Dexterity is a measure of how adept you are at moving your body in precise ways: shooting a ranged weapon, balancing on a tightrope, doing gymnastics and certain martial arts. Performers, archers, riflemen, and various other high dexterity professions should invest in this attribute.
Health is the measure of how much punishment your body can take before breaking down. This ability determines your Hit Points, and abilities like Endurance or resisting a disease. Characters who will sustain injuries on a regular basis, or are exposed to severe climate or disease will benefit from investing in this ability.
Intelligence measures how smart you are. By default, this does not reflect knowledge. Skills represent actual knowledge or training in a subject or task. Intelligence does reflect how quickly you can acquire new skills, figure something out that you have never encountered before, and gives bonuses to skills having to do with mental ability. This score determines magical ability, and you add your Intelligence modifier to your spell damage.
Someone with a high perception score notices things more quickly than someone with a low perception score does. It effects your abilities to track an animal through the woods, hear a whispered conversation, or notice a subtle gesture.
Charisma is a measure of several things and is open to a lot of interpretation on the part of the game master. A high charisma can indicate someone who is better looking than average, better spoken and generally more charming than average, or even a better lover. Most game masters will base abilities to convince other characters and NPCs (Non-Player Characters) to do what you want them to do, or to believe a lie. You should ask your game master what they plan to base on this ability.