Hit Points
Hit points are a measurement of how much damage your character's body can handle before slipping into unconsciousness. Your hit points are equal to your Health score multiplied by 4 (e.g. a character with a health score of 7 has 28 hit points). Hit points are abbreviated as HP on most character sheets.
Move Speed
The typical, human sized creature has a move speed of 30 feet per round. This can be modified by certain circumstances, such as being a different size, having more than 2 legs, magic, etc. The Game Master will inform you if special rules apply to your character.
Initiative determines what order characters get to take their actions in during combat. Your initiative modifier is equal to your dexterity modifier, with any bonuses from talents added in. This number is a DM that is applied during the initiative check at the beginning of combat.
Dodging is an option that players can use to avoid getting hit in combat, at a cost. Most characters start out with a dodge modifier of zero. Talents may raise this to a higher number.
Damage Reduction (DR)
Damage reduction is a modifier applied to your character by the armour (or magical protections) they are wearing, and is applied to damage dealt to your character. Any time damage would be calculated against your character, reduce that number by the amount of damage reduction you have for that body zone. A character wearing no armour and possessing no magical protection has a DR of zero.
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